
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Updating the side tables

Part of my goal in transforming our living room was to spend as little money as possible. Cheap, frugal, thrifty, economical, tight-waddish . . . . call if what you may.  I call it smart.  Or that's what I tell myself.

So, I liked these side tables.  The kids hadn't broken the glass on top and they had withstood a good seven years of paw scratches, spilled nail polish remover, sticky juices, fishy cracker crumbs in their crevices, and many other unmentionables.  So they deserved to stay.

And one coat of Paris Grey chalk paint would do the trick.

There was no need for more than one coat as, you can see, I heavily distressed the pieces.  Heck, there are bound to be more doggie paw scratches, so this worked perfect.


I added a coat of wax over the paint and called it a day.  Seriously took me about an hour to clean, paint, distress, and wax.  No pre-sanding or priming needed.

I do love to mix heavily distressed pieces with the clean look of other pieces.  Go ahead and give those tired looking pieces in your home a new color.  You can make such a dramatic difference just with paint.  

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  1. Wait, this is exactly what I want to do on a dresser I have. In light ish blue. So can you explain the wax part? And can I just use regular paint? What's chalk paint?

  2. Very nice! Thanks for linking up! Love that rug!

  3. Oh I love these end tables. You did a great job!

  4. العائلة لذلك نجد ان الاستعانة بشركات مكافحة النمل الابيض بالرياض خاصة في إبادة الحشرات من أفضل القرارات التي من الممكن ان يأخذ بيه الكثير من  الأماكن المختلفة شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالرياض شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض

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    الحشرات من منزلك
    شركة مكافحة الحمام بالرياضالتخلص من القمامة المتراكه في المكان مثل المطبخ النباتات التي لها رائحة عطره تساهم في طرد الذباب والناموس من المكان تركيب طارد الحمام
    تهوية المفروشات من السراير والمفروشات والملايات والبطاطين هذا من شأنه يساهم في التخلص أو القضاءان 

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