
My Story

First I'm a mom.  Second I'm a wife.  Third I'm a crazy DIYer who finds daily therapy in transforming my home or creating unique pieces to share or sell.

In 2005, our world turned upside-down for the better, although we didn't think it at the time.  Our son, Jack was born.  He's got a little thing called Down syndrome, which means he was born with one extra chromosome in each cell.  That little chromosome can wreck havoc on little person's life including developmental delays and random medical issues.  Our poor guy has also had two hips surgeries that put him in a body cast for over 18 weeks.  And now, he has leukemia.  But if Jack could express it clearly, he would say not to feel bad for him, as he will gladly bear the load for someone else.  Gosh, he's so special. 

And then there's Haley.  Oh Haley.  She was born in 2008 and is such a spitfire.  I relish in her seemingly mundane achievements.  She amazes me every day.  And frustrates me (she is just a toddler).  But I know she is Jack's little angel and they will be the best of friends.

Building, refinishing, up-cycling, reclaiming, DIY, whatever you want to call it, grounds me.  I need it in my life almost everyday.  It's my happy pill.  ;)



  1. Wow. That is quite a story. I'm so touched to have been able to read it. I'm always humbled by Mom's with special children. I wonder if Jack was up in Heaven saying "please let me be with them!" or if God was the one who said, "I'm sending you down to be with them". Either way, he is one lucky little boy and I'm sure you have been blessed a thousand times over.

    1. You are so incredibly sweet Kim. Thank you.

  2. Praise God for Jack! Hes an angel sent by God and will be a blessing to everyone he comes in contact with! You are an inspiration to me:)

  3. Thank you so much Deidre. It's been quite the journey and continues to be every day.

  4. Someone posted a link to your blog on FB and I just read your little story. I can totally relate to you about the "needing" and therapy of projects, DIY, etc. I'm in a similar situation. Thanks for sharing your journey and talents. You're amazing!

  5. Debbie, I found your blog today through Miss Mustard Seed's furniture party. I love the dresser! But more than that I love the story. I looked closely at the team photo and thought...hmmm... So I came to this page and read your story. You see, we have an adorable little person with DS living at our house too! Hannah Grace was born in May of 2006 and was in and out of the hospital for the first year of life, including open heart surgery at 3 months. She is doing great now...and how I can relate to your statement of how your life has changed...for the better! Hannah Grace is a joy bringer - wherever she goes! I will pray for your little guy that he is comfortable during his treatments and healed completely!

  6. Wow ! What a story. Brave little guy ! I hope that he gets thought his treatments without loosing his spirit ! Bless his heart and yours. Thanks for sharing your life journey.
